In the debut episode of the "Cann Cam," Caroline takes you inside the equipment room, locker room and weight room as the Panthers prepare to take the shown on the road to Spartanburg for training camp.
We first get to meet Don Toner, Carolina's equipment man and the "OG" from the team's first season in 1995. Toner shows us all of the boxes, all of the shoes (not quite millions) and gear for players and staff.
We then head to the locker room, where the shoulder pads and stacks of boxes fill the middle of the room, ready for packing. Caroline even gets to take a look at her gear bag before everyone else.
Our tour ends in the weight room, as Caroline checks out the Keep Pounding wall, memorializing the famous speech of the late Sam Mills with players' signatures now adorning it. Unfortunately, an attempt to lift a kettle bell goes awry for our daring reporter, but she bounces back quickly.
We end the tour with an up close look at the "Flex Friday" wall where Panthers players took off their shirts each week during the offseason, captivating audiences around the world.
If episode one was any indication, you won't want to miss the next vlog of the Cann Cam from down at Camp Wofford.
Take a look inside the Panthers facility to see the team meeting room and hallways of the position meeting rooms.