Cam Newton's nicknames of training camp
Cam Newton's nicknames for his Panthers teammates at 2019 training camp.

Mario Addison a.k.a. Super Mario
Personally, we'd choose him over Luigi every time.

Jaydon Mickens a.k.a. Short Stuff

Luke Kuechly a.k.a. August

Marquis Haynes a.k.a. Benjamin Button
How many times do you think Haynes' birth certificate was requested by opposing teams in little league?

Kyle Allen a.k.a. Lovey Dovey

Jarius Wright a.k.a. Janky Thumb

Jordan Kunaszyk a.k.a. Hyphy
This mean one of two things: Jordan can do the 'hyphy' dance or he's an extremely rowdy individual. Or maybe it's both.

Colin Jones a.k.a. Bones Jones

Greg Van Roten a.k.a. Gru

Terry Godwin a.k.a. Pudgy

Chris Hogan a.k.a. Hogie

Javien Elliott - xXx
Does this mean Elliott looks like Vin Diesel?

Dennis Daley a.k.a. Menace
Okay, this one is pretty obvious.

Parker Collins a.k.a. Butter

Jermaine Carter a.k.a. Long Way

Ross Cockrell a.k.a. Stankonia
OutKast, anyone?

Curtis Samuel a.k.a. Curtco

Will Grier a.k.a. Chadwick

Rashaad Ross a.k.a. Rosé

Torrey Smith a.k.a. Default

Cole Hunt a.k.a. Dad
Dad jokes included.

Taylor Moton a.k.a. Sweat Pack
We cannot confirm if Moton is a fan of this particular nickname.

DJ Moore a.k.a. Sleepy or Denniston

Dontari Poe a.k.a. Just Chillin

Elijah Holyfield a.k.a. Beatle

Reggie Bonnafon a.k.a. Bon Bon

Brian Burns a.k.a. Spidey or Burney Man or Spider Boy
We'd like to start a petition for Spider Boy to be the permeant nickname.

Temarrick Hemingway a.k.a. Fareed