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Play 60 Fit City Challenge champions crowned


Children yelling, jumping up and down, clapping...and learning! The Carolina Panthers concluded the 2010 Play 60/Fit City Challenge with two fitness-themed pep rallies at Royal Oaks Academy and Alexander Graham Middle School in Charlotte on June 1. The schools were the top two performers in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools' spring fitness contest that tracked students' physical activity minutes.

Tight end Gary Barnidge and defensive end Everette Brown celebrated with the students at River Oaks Academy, while linebackers Jon Beason and Thomas Davis participated in the celebration at Alexander Graham Middle School. Sir Purr and the TopCats also joined in the excitement. The events featured an action-packed fitness game show, which reinforced the importance of the NFL's Play 60 initiative as well as good nutrition habits.

Additionally, Alexander Graham Middle School was recognized by the Southeast Dairy Association as a pace setting school for its efforts in the Fuel Up to Play 60 program, a student-driven school fitness initiative. The school received a $3,000 grant from the Southeast Dairy Association to support its fitness and nutrition efforts.

"Today's pep rallies were terrific. Not only was the energy of the students fantastic, but they really know the importance of getting 60 minutes of physical activity daily," said Riley Fields, the Carolina Panthers director of community relations. "We are proud of the students and teachers at both schools for setting such great examples."

The Southeast Dairy Association, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and Fit City Challenge partnered with the Panthers on the program.


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