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Opposing View: Seattle Seahawks

On getting back into the Panthers-Seahawks rivalry after not playing each other in 2017: "It seems familiar, that's for sure. A lot of same faces, two on defense in particular. Bunch of the same guys that we've been battling against for years, so it's a good matchup."

On what he's seen from Devin Funchess: "He's doing all kinds of stuff, he's playing huge. He's been more of a go-to guy, making plays. He's really a physical player so he's a handful."

On Curtis Samuel being used in more of a situational role for the Panthers: "Yeah. He's in and out of there a little bit, in special teams too. Really special talent, really fast, and the kind of guy you've got to keep your eye on because he can get downfield in a heartbeat."

On the difference in Panthers offense with Norv Turner as coordinator: "I think Norv has done a really good job of picking and choosing the stuff that he really likes that they've done successfully in the past. They've maintained all of the problems we've always dealt with, which really comes from the quarterback runs and his special ability. I think Norv's done a really good job of blending the stuff that he does and he's always been such a great quarterback guru and all of that. With the stuff that Cam (Newton) does really well, and of course Christian (McCaffrey) too, he's a big factor. Seems very similar and still very problematic, but yet there's some stuff in there. You can feel Norv's input."

On what's fueled the success of the Seahawks' run game: "Well the first thing is, we've got healthy running backs. We went through a couple years of just guys banged up like crazy. We weren't able to find any continuity. That's the first thing that helps us. Offensive line play has really taken a jump and we've become a little more diverse in how we're doing things. (First-year offensive line coach) Mike Solari has done a great job of contributing to that as well as (first-year offensive coordinator) Brian Schottenheimer. So we've just expanded the stuff that we're doing and it seems to fit our personnel up front. Got a good attitude about the O-line, they feel like they're playing with more experience and more connectedness than the last couple years when we've been banged up."

On how to keep the Seahawks defense from falling for Panthers misdirection plays: "This offense, because of the quarterback dynamics, always calls for us to be extremely disciplined. To play the run defense you have to be disciplined anyway. This offense, because of the different style and the way they pump the ball out on the perimeter, you have to be really, really tight with your fits and your assignments and off that. It's always been a great challenge for us. I always think that playing these guys makes us better because we have to work so hard to be right consistently throughout the game."

On why the Seahawks have had some success stopping Newton in comparison to other teams: "I don't know, I don't know. We've just been fortunate at times. I don't feel like we have stopped him. He always feels like a very impacting player and a guy that causes us all kinds of problems."

On his relationship with the Kalil family and thoughts on this potentially being the last match up against Ryan: "I don't know that that's the case or not. I think that Ryan can keep playing if he wants to and all that. It's been a real pleasure because they're such a great family. We recruited the whole family back in the day and mom and dad and everybody. It's been a good relationship. We've been able to keep track, kind of through our California connections and wives and stuff like that and grandmas and all. So it's been a lot of fun to track these guys. It's just so unfortunate that they didn't get to play together this year. It would've been such a good thing for the family to have that happen and I would've loved to have watched it also. It's a great, great family and great competitors and wonderful people. It's been a blast knowing these guys."

On why the Seahawks have had so much success forcing Newton into turnovers: "I don't know. I don't have any idea. If I tell you then that would help them, huh? But I don't really know what it is. We're just playing and trying to do the best we can to keep up with it."

On if he thinks we'll starting seeing more high scoring contests like the Chiefs-Rams game: "I don't think that that's the moment that everybody's going to capture and things are going change because of it. I think that's two great offenses. Extremely well-equipped personnel on both sides, both teams. That's why they're flying high and winning. We'll see Kansas City in a few weeks, we've seen the Rams a couple times. They're legit. I don't know. Everybody would like to be like them, but I don't think it's that easy. I just think that's far out there. I think the coaching that's being done by Andy [Reid] and Sean [McVay] is just remarkably well done. I think everybody would like to be able to do that, I don't know if they can though. I think it was an extraordinary game, as good a game as I can remember for the fans and for offense and all that, but for the defensive guys around the league and around the country, it made everybody kind of sick. It was hard to watch."

On what former Panthers tight end Ed Dickson brings to the Seahawks offense: "Well we finally got him out here. He was banged up for the longest time and we had to just wait it out. So we're really just kind of finding our way with Ed. We're really excited about getting him. He's done everything well. He's running well, blocking well, catching the ball, made some nice plays for us already, but has not been as involved as I hope he will be in the weeks to come. But he's doing a nice job and we're lucky to have him."

On if there's a difference in preparation knowing this game could have playoff implications: "That has nothing to do with nothing. This is a championship matchup for us and wouldn't matter about any of that stuff. That's a long ways down the road. We don't change anything, we've just got to try and put together a great plan and execute and play it like it's the only game we've got in the whole world, which it is, and that's what we're going to try and do."

On ways the Seahawks can limit the Panthers' offensive success: "I don't know, you guys are working really hard to try and get me to tell you our game plan and what we're going to do and how we do it and all that stuff. We just have to try to keep the running game in order. They're a good running football club. They always have been. Ron's always had his team balanced in that regard and we can't let them run the ball at us. All of the play pass stuff, and all of the moves and stuff by the quarterback, will be a real nightmare if they can run the football. The game will always come down to who takes care of the ball best and we've got to do a great job there too."
