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Jonathan Stewart's slip and slide run that should have counted

Jonathan Stewart rain 2011 Jaguars

It was the home opener of the 2011 season and the forecast called for a 20 percent chance of rain.

As Jonathan Stewart recently recalled: "We got all 20 percent of that rain."

The rain didn't last the whole game, but for a couple of drives before halftime, it felt like a biblical downpour.

"Growing up in Washington, it rains pretty much every day," Stewart said on the latest episode of "Inside Scoop."

"But the amount of rain — I'd never seen that in my entire life. I've explained it to people like the movie, 'Big Fish.' There's a scene where it's raining so hard it becomes a flood. It reminded me of that scene. The raindrops weren't normal raindrops. They were large splashes of water."

One of the game's most memorable plays was a screen pass to Stewart. He was upended near the line of scrimmage, but flipped over a defender's back and kept running down to the 5-yard line.

"I knew that my elbows weren't anywhere near the ground," Stewart said. "But it was definitely fun, sliding at the end. It was like a slip and slide on the field."

But the play was called back on review, and Stewart's magnificent catch and run never counted.

"Elements can make or break you," he said. "This game really showed the determined mindset of guys on that team that year. There was no quit."
