As the days of the week begin to run together at Camp Wofford, it's helpful when outside influences can provide a little context. In Thursday's case, it meant the last practice before a trip back to Charlotte for Fan Fest. Tickets are still available for Friday night's event here. know what to do:
Thursday feature live two-minute drill simulations...who scored and who made the stops []
Torrey Smith laid out a detailed look at his life and the 'why' for his social justice work []
Offensive coordinator Norv Turner made his debut with the media []
Referees explain new rules application []
Norv Turner relishes return to coaching [Associated Press]
A 346-pound oak tree...that moves [Charlotte Observer]
David Mayo brings a new look to the field in 2018 [Charlotte Observer]
Ron Rivera brings the heat at practice [Charlotte Observer]
Cockrell's hometown feels his pain [Charlotte Observer]
What Norv Turner will bring to the Panthers offense in 2018 [Sports Illustrated]
More craft beer in the stadium this year...and there was much rejoicing [Charlotte Magazine]
"For me to sit here and remain silent and not speak up on things that I know are wrong, when I know it affects me, or in a lot of ways, people are like “hey it doesn’t affect you because of your situation,” well, I’ve been in that situation. Nothing has changed for my family members, my cousins or the people from where I’m from. I want to figure out ways to help them, spread light to a particular situation, whatever it may be, and figure out what we can do best as citizens to make America great for everyone." Torrey Smith
Photo of the Day
